I think the rise of the Buy One Get One Free offers in the shops have reached an all time crazy with a Supermarket chain here now offering buy one get TWO free. If that is not helping people become fat then what is? I don’t deny if the offers were available on good food it would be an excellent idea but why not just sell the food at a much cheaper price than offering two free. I know they are loss-leaders.

I find myself in bed this weekend with a horrid creaky chest and general achiness. I have a diving lesson on Tuesday so I hope it has eased by then. Only 2 lessons left before Christmas and then the pool test after that. I managed to FAIL 😦 my theory test so I have to re-sit that. I won’t be able to dive at Easter if I continue to fail. I need a kick up the butt to get me going. I am so lazy.

  Managed to get out and get the haircut yesterday which made me feel better. A lovely old lady in the shop commented that my hair looked beautiful. I thanked her for her comment. The comment had followed an admission of cataract surgery scheduled for the following week. I guess what she saw was nice and I am happy with that.

On Wednesday I am booked in with a friend to have fish eat the dead skin off my feet. How disgusting. They are called Dr Fish and happily nibble away at dead and diseased skin. The session is fifteen minutes long. If I enjoy it and it makes a difference then I will book myself in for a few and take along various friends to try it out.

Food and exercise-wise I have not really managed to get myself back on the wagon. I need to sit down and write my plans. I need to think about what I really want out of life. This sluggishness needs tackling and kicking in the head. I know I need to do a huge shop as I have barely any food left. I will have to make a list first which means I have to do a menu plan. I make menu plans but I never stick to them. I don’t know what to do to make it easier or to motivate myself. I think in the morning I am going to start the morning with a few stretches. I have been eating more fruit today which has been a nice change. I know that exercise is my antidepressant. I need to make time for it in my life. I am going to work on my exercise and eating one day at a time. More tomorrow…

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