Flab Apron…

Oh how I hate my Flab Apron. It just hangs there horribly resting on my thighs, gets in the way when I try to use my laptop and generally annoys me. Lying in the bath is my place to think and tonight I was thinking about all the crap I have eaten in the past two weeks and the fact I have missed my last two weigh-ins. I fear I am in danger of crashing. I came to the conclusion that I have to make a fresh start tomorrow so I am climbing back on the wagon and will do the following:

  1. go back to WW, weigh in and STAY to the meeting
  2. track food all week
  3. stick to 29 points (dailies) don’t use any weeklies
  4. increase intake of veggies
  5. plan my dinners and lunches for the week
  6. go to the gym at least 5 times and burn a minimum of 500 calories each time
  7. cycle to Southport and back
  8. measure Flab Apron and aim to start reducing it
  9. fill in Motivation sheet to help me get back on track
  10. DRINK loads of WATER

Lots to do next week then. I would like to drop a few more pounds before my cycle trip in 3 weeks time. I saw two people who I had not seen in months on Saturday morning and both gave me really positive compliments which I accepted (I believe it is important the accept compliments as when I give them myself to others I really mean it).

The Flab Apron is a big hang up of mine (excuse the pun). I want to focus on reducing it. As a body of pure fat it is bound to start reducing the more weight I lose but |I know it is not possible to target reduce flab with exercise and diet but I would like to see it go. I have noticed it is not as big as it was when I began this journey but I really have had it now. Say Goodye to the Flab Apron. I will keep you posted.